



After various professional experiences in different fields, I was looking for new challenges. I became very attracted to AI and IoT and how it has the potential to impact our societies. I started to learn programming and digital marketing by myself.

Then, thanks to this knowledge, I joined a small Japanese company using image recognition technology and IoT. I rapidly got involved in product development as a designer and marketer. Writing blog articles on the IoT industry, organizing booths are different exhibitions, etc inspired me a lot about this industry.

In September 2020, I founded zeteoh, Inc. At zeteoh, currently we are developing product by using TinyML.

青森県弘前市出身。さまざまな経歴を経て、新しい挑戦を求め独学でプログラミングを習得、IT 業界へ飛び込む。IoT 企業にて画像認識技術を使ったプロダクト開発にデザイナー、マーケッターとして携わる。AI(人工知能)とビッグデータが社会に与えるインパクトの大きさを実感し、2020 年 9 月に zeteoh 株式会社を設立。TinyML でソリューションを開発中。その傍ら独学で Flutter を勉強中。趣味はベリーダンス。